Engaging with the Structural Drivers of HIV

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As part of our Guest Lecture Series, the SRC welcomed Mary Crewe, Director of the Centre for the Study of AIDS, University of Pretoria, South Africa, who provided an international perspective on social and structural interventions, insights and transferable lessons learned, and thoughts for the road forward.

Mary Crewe

Director of the Centre for the Study of AIDS, University of Pretoria

The Centre for the Study of AIDS was established by the University in 1999 to “mainstream” HIV/AIDS through all  aspects of the University’s core business activities. The Centre seeks to develop new ways of looking at HIV and AIDS, to find new explanatory frameworks and develop critique and debate and find ways for the University and  society to live through and beyond the epidemic.  The Centre has gained international recognition for the innovative and creative methods it develops to deal with the multiple challenges posed by HIV and AIDS. The Centre primarily serves more than 30 000 on-campus students at the University. It includes training for staff and students, counseling and support and a range of community-based programs. It also promotes the development of HIV/AIDS-related curricula and research on HIV/AIDS at a faculty level.

Mary previously lectured at the University of the Witwatersrand in Education and Development, Social and Critical Theory and the Political Economy of Education. She managed the Greater Johannesburg AIDS program. She chaired the National Department of Education and Health Committee for HIV/AIDS Education in schools. She gave a plenary address at the Bangkok Conference in 2004.  She is co-editor of the AIDS Bulletin and on the editorial boards of Sex Education, Culture, Society and Sexuality, Journal of Higher Education and Education and Prevention.  Mary is also author of a book and many articles.

Contributing Organization:
The CIHR Social Research Centre in HIV Prevention (SRC)
Contact person:
Caroline Godbout
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Record last updated:
Wed, 22/06/2016 - 16:35