HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 2(1) October 1995

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESFocus on HIV/AIDS in PrisonsMethadone and HIV/AIDSCriminal Law and HIV/AIDS: A ReviewPROSTITUTIONProstitution and HIV/AIDS: A Literature ReviewTESTING AND REPORTINGFurther Update on Blood Donor Notification CaseCAS's Reaction to Judgment...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 1(4) July 1995

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESFocus on Gay Issues: Discrimination Impedes the Fight Against AIDSBleach and Anonymous HIV Testing in Federal PrisonsPRISONERS AND HIV/AIDSUpdate on Needle and Syringe Exchange in Swiss PrisonDISCRIMINATIONAnal Sex Law Ruled...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 1(3) April 1995

TABLE OF CONTENTSNOTESUpdate on Joint Network/CAS ProjectHIV-ANTIBODY TESTINGNo Compulsory HIV-Antibody Testing of Persons Accused or Convicted of Sexual AssaultHIV/AIDS and the Military in Canada — the Twaites decisionPRISONERS AND HIV/AIDSSwitzerland: Prison...