The HIV Legal Network ( promotes the human rights of people living with and vulnerable to HIV/AIDS, in Canada and internationally, through research and analysis, advocacy and litigation, public education and community mobilization. The Legal Network is Canada’s leading advocacy organization working on the legal and human rights issues raised by HIV/AIDS.


Sex, criminal law and HIV disclosure: What do you need to know?

Publication date: 2014
Part 1Alison Symington, Co-director of research and advocacy at the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, addresses the important facts about criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada, the legal obligations and what people living with HIV need to make an informed...

Droit criminel, sexe et divulgation du VIH : Que devez-vous savoir?

Publication date: 2014
1ère partieCécile Kazatchkine, Analyste principale des politiques au Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida, répond aux questions des personnes vivant avec le VIH sur le droit criminel et la non-divulgation du VIH au Canada. Les informations données dans cette vidéo...
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