Revue VIH/sida, droit et politiques 15(2) avril 2011

DOSSIERAnalyse des lois et politiques sur la prévention, le traitement et les soins en matière de VIH, pour les personnes qui font usage de drogue et les personnes incarcérées en Asie centrale et en AzerbaïdjanDÉVELOPPEMENTS AU CANADAVers la mise en place de sites...

HIV non-disclosure and Canadian criminal law: condom use

This document will inform you about:when there is a legal duty to disclose HIV-positive status;the current evidence about the risk of HIV transmission with and without condoms;the current state of the law about condom use and HIV disclosure; andwhy people who use...

The Economic Cost of HIV/AIDS in Canada

This report was undertaken to provide an updated estimate of costs related to HIV/AIDS in Canada, with a particular focus on the costs of treatment and costs associated with loss of productivity for lost work hours. It is a follow-up document to the 2001 study The...