Social Media Policy

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Human Rights and Drug Control Policy

Increasingly, human rights monitors, mechanisms and NGOs have begun to focus on drug policies and their impact on human rights protections, but this rarely happens in a connected or thematic way. These briefing papers are intended to provide a basic overview of some...

Accessibility of HIV Prevention, Treatment and Care Services for People who Use Drugs and Incarcerated People in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan: Legislative and Policy Analysis and Recommendations for Reform

This report analyses national programmes on HIV and drug control, administrative and criminal laws, and relevant governmental decrees and ministerial orders which were in effect in 2007–2009 in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and...

Answering the Call: 20 Years of CATIE and Community Response

A video about CATIE’s beginnings as a grass-roots organization, the early era of desperate need for information about HIV treatment, and the passion and leadership of those who helped CATIE evolve into a national organization mandated to provide information...