HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 12(2/3) December 2007

FEATURESLegislation contagion: the spread of problematic new HIV laws in Western AfricaDrug treatment courts in Canada: an evidence-based reviewUse of soft law to address HIV/AIDS in Southeast AsiaCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSSupervised injection facility granted another...

Forced HIV Testing: Questions and Answers

Many Canadian provinces have passed legislation that authorizes testing someone for HIV without his or her consent. This document provides information about occupational exposure to HIV, and the legal and human rights concerns raised by forced HIV testing.

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 12(1) May 2007

FEATURESMale circumcision and HIV prevention: a human rights and public health challengeCommentary: Engendering bold leadership against HIV/AIDSCANADIAN DEVELOPMENTSSubcommittee fails to recommend legal reforms needed to promote human rights of sex workersConservative...

Drug Use and HIV/AIDS in Thailand

A series of six info sheets on legal and ethical issues related to drug use and HIV/AIDS in Thailand.HIV and HCV in Thailand: implications for national drug policyHarm reduction: lessons from the regionSterile syringe programsOpioid substitution treatmentOutreach and...