Factum of the Interveners at the Supreme Court of Canada: R v. Mabior and R v. D.C.

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"These appeals raise the question of whether the offence of aggravated sexual assault can and should be established for HIV non-disclosure in circumstances where, in the Interveners’ submission, there is no 'significant risk' of transmission because of factors that dramatically reduce that risk, such as the use of condoms or an undetectable or low viral load."

Interveners: Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic (Ontario), Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le sida, Positive Living Society of British Columbia, Canadian AIDS Society, Toronto People With AIDS Foundation, Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention and Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network

Contributing Organization:
HIV Legal Network
Contact person:
Terry Gould
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Record last updated:
Fri, 14/05/2021 - 15:59