There is relatively little reliable information on prevalence rates of HIV within trans communities. This being said, more and more research is attempting to fill this gap. These studies are uncovering new facets of a startling reality that trans communities from around the world have been facing for some time. They have revealed that trans populations have higher prevalence rates than sexual minorities such as gay men. The few epidemiological studies indicate global prevalence rates of 8% to 68%. An estimated 27,7% percent of trans women in Canada are living with HIV. Estimates for trans populations in Asia point to a prevalence of between 3-31%. In Latin America, we find rates of 25%. Trans women are particularly affected, especially if they have been involved in sex work or have been incarcerated. For example, 32-45% of trans sex workers in Lima and 74% of trans people incarcerated in São Paulo are living with HIV. Faced with such alarming numbers, it is crucial that those involved in the fight against HIV/AIDS get to know the issues facing trans communities.

Contributing Organization:
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
Interagency Coalition on AIDS and Development
Contact person:
Shayna Buhler
Shayna Buhler
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Record last updated:
Thu, 29/05/2014 - 10:49
Thu, 29/05/2014 - 10:49