Pre-fix: A guide for people with Hep C or HIV who inject drugs

This comprehensive resource for people living with Hep C or HIV who inject drugs offers information on a range of topics—from getting tested and working with a doctor to using safely. It offers practical advice about how to live healthily with Hep C or HIV, tips for...

Living with HIV and Hepatitis C Co-infection

This booklet, written for people with HIV and hepatitis C, offers key information on living with both viruses. Covering useful topics such as HIV and hepatitis C basics, the effects of co-infection, ways to stay healthy, treatment strategies and preventing...

African, Caribbean and Black Canadian HIV/ AIDS Awareness Day/Journée canadienne de sensibilisation au VIH/sida des communautés africaines, caraïbéennes et noires

 The Canadian HIV/AIDS Black, African and Caribbean Network (CHABAC) and its partners are pleased to announce the second annual African, Caribbean and Black Canadian HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on February 7, 2016. The African, Caribbean and Black Canadian HIV/AIDS...

Engaging African, Caribbean and Black Communities in Addressing HIV/Impliquer les communautésafricaines, caraïbéennes et noires dans la réponse au VIH

 The purpose of this factsheet is to shed light on community mobilization as a way to effectively raise awareness, improve prevention, reduce stigma and address HIV and AIDS amongst African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities in...

HIV Stigma in African, Caribbean and Black Communities/ La stigmatisation liée au VIH dans les communautés africaines, caraïbéennes et noires

People from African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities face multiple forms of stigma and discrimination. HIV-related stigma is just one of these. The purpose of this fact sheet is to raise awareness among health and social service professionals about the...