Statement to UN Human Rights Council, 19th Session, Thematic Panel Discussion on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights re: criminalization of HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission

"There are many human rights challenges that must be tackled in order to respond effectively to the ongoing, twinned pandemics of HIV and of HIV-related human rights abuses … we wish to highlight one phenomenon of growing global concern and...

Factors Affecting Attendance for Hepatitis C Care

This report provides a brief overview of a study conducted by a research teamaffiliated with the University of British Columbia and the British Columbia Centrefor Disease Control and funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The aimof the study was to explore why...

PWA Strategic Plan – 2011-2016

This strategic plan was created through many rich conversations, focused on the best of PWA now, and what PWA is being called to become into the future.  This was a time of reflection, storytelling, listening, questions, metaphor, and deep, insightful thinking...