HIV/AIDS Policy & Law Review 16 — May 2012

FEATURES — TREATMENT AS PREVENTION: ASSESSING THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS CANADIAN DEVELOPMENTS Federal government’s omnibus crime legislation becomes lawAlberta orders end to distribution of crack pipes in CalgaryNew research...

Inside Stories: Corrine

Meet Corrine. She works in prison support and understands the conditions many prisoners face inside and just why injection drug use is so rampant. Part of a series on prison health.

Statement to UN Human Rights Council, 19th Session, Thematic Panel Discussion on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights re: criminalization of HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission

"There are many human rights challenges that must be tackled in order to respond effectively to the ongoing, twinned pandemics of HIV and of HIV-related human rights abuses … we wish to highlight one phenomenon of growing global concern and...

Inside Stories: Kathleen

Meet Kathleen. Her husband is currently serving time in prison. She worries about his health while he is there, as well as the health of his fellow inmates. Part of a series on prison health.