HIV/AIDS and Discrimination

This is a series of eight info sheets:An Epidemic of Stigma and DiscriminationStigma and Discrimination: Definitions and ConceptsStigma and Discrimination: The ConsequencesExamples of Stigma and DiscriminationThe Impact of Stigma and DiscriminationResponding to Stigma...

Gay and Lesbian Legal Issues and HIV/AIDS: Final Report

reviews how, historically, gay men and lesbians have suffered persistent patterns of discrimination and persecution, and how the advent of HIV and AIDS has intensified and extended discrimination against them;provides a detailed analysis of how, in 1998, Canadian law...

HIV/AIDS and Discrimination: A Discussion Paper

The Discussion Paper reviews:definitions of discrimination that are current in Canada and internationally;the nature of stigma, discrimination, and vulnerability in the context of the HIV epidemic;stigma and discrimination that people with HIV/AIDS currently...

HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review 3(2–3) Spring 1997

 TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATURESGuidelines on HIV/AIDS and Human RightsSupreme Court to Hear Cuerrier CaseTesting of Pregnant Women: Issues and OptionsTESTING AND CONFIDENTIALITYHIV Testing and Confidentiality: A Discussion PaperHIV Testing in Pregnancy: A Duty or a...

HIV/AIDS in Prisons: Final Report

The Final Report and its appendicesreview the history of the response to HIV/AIDS in prisons, nationally and internationally;present relevant new developments in the area;examine whether there is a legal and/or ethical obligation to provide prisoners with the means...

Criminal Law and HIV/AIDS: Final Report

The Final Report and its appendices review the cases of criminal prosecution that have arisen in Canada; the academic commentary; policy recommendations from various groups and organizations; proposed amendments to the Criminal Code; and the comments on the...