Revue VIH/sida, droit et politiques 15(2) avril 2011

DOSSIERAnalyse des lois et politiques sur la prévention, le traitement et les soins en matière de VIH, pour les personnes qui font usage de drogue et les personnes incarcérées en Asie centrale et en AzerbaïdjanDÉVELOPPEMENTS AU CANADAVers la mise en place de sites...

Criminal Law and HIV

Please note that the sections of this document that describe the current state of the criminal law as it relates to HIV non-disclosure do not take into account the recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions in R. v. Mabior and R. v. D.C. We are presently working to...

One Foot Forward: Facilitator’s Guide

Guide to assist facilitators in conducting training programs based on the GIPA Training Toolkit, which is a collection of eleven educational modules designed by and for people living with HIV/AIDS to assist them in building capacity and in acquiring leadership skills...