Created with the help of one of our clients to help promote on-site anonymous HIV rapid point of care testing. This poster with two versions was used to get the attention of gay, bi and MSM to visit website to request appointment date/time. In addition to this poster Durham Regional Public Health had their own poster to promote the testing along with tear-off cards. As well, we created a very graphic 'Got Balls?' banner Ad for placing on This on-site testing was a 'test pilot project' by Public Health to see if taking testing outside of the Sexual Health Clinic's would be effective. We had 14 testing slots available on both dates. 12 tested on the October date and 8 tested on the September date.

Organisme collaborateur:
AIDS Committee of Durham Region
AIDS Committee of Durham Region
Personne-ressource :
Mark Hammann
Mark Hammann
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L’adaptation non commerciale est permise en citant l’auteur.
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ven, 06/11/2015 - 13:28
ven, 06/11/2015 - 13:28