Revue VIH/sida, droit et politiques 9(2) août 2004

TABLE DES MATIÈRESDOSSIERSDroits humains et VIH/sida dans le cadre de l’Initiative 3 x 5 : de nouvelles orientations s’imposent-elles?Activisme pour la réduction des méfaits : étude de cas d’un lieu sécuritaire pour l’injection non autorisé,...

Revue VIH/sida, droit et politiques 9(1) avril 2004

TABLE OF CONTENTSFEATUREHIV treatments, vaccines, and microbicides: toward coordinated advocacyCANADIAN NEWSQuébec: An outbreak of HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discriminationAlberta: New bill will allow for mandatory HIV testing in emergency situationsMedia frenzy...

Programming HIV/AIDS: a human rights approach — A tool for international development and community-based organizations responding to HIV/AIDS (Canadian version)

The tool was prepared with reference to Government of Canada policies and practices, and the primary audience is program staff in Canada innon-governmental development organizationscommunity based AIDS organizationsthe private sectorwho prepare funding proposals, and...