Statement to UN Human Rights Council, 19th Session, Thematic Panel Discussion on HIV/AIDS and Human Rights re: criminalization of HIV non-disclosure, exposure and transmission

"There are many human rights challenges that must be tackled in order to respond effectively to the ongoing, twinned pandemics of HIV and of HIV-related human rights abuses … we wish to highlight one phenomenon of growing global concern and...

Mémoire présenté au Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles, au sujet de l’étude du projet de loi C-10

Mémoire présenté en février 2012 au Comité sénatorial permanent des affaires juridiques et constitutionnelles, au sujet de l’étude du projet de loi C-10, Loi édictant la Loi sur la justice pour les victimes d’actes de terrorisme et modifiant la Loi sur...

Information note regarding retaliation of the Government of the Russian Federation against the Andrey Rylkov Foundation for Health and Social Justice

The Government of the Russian Federation has retaliated against and suppressed the activities of the Andrey Rylkov Foundation (ARF), including the exercising of its freedom of expression in promoting recommendations given by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and...