Attack of the Cursed Syphilis

Since 2002, Toronto has seen a dramatic increase in documented syphilis cases. Ninety-five percent of syphilis infections are among men, with gay and bisexual men comprising 83% of infections among men. An increasing number of men diagnosed with syphilis are also...

Libido Insurance

With Libido Insurance our goal was to produce a campaign that presented condoms from a slightly different perspective and one that would be sex positive.  Pulling from some popular insurance advertisements we went a bit cheeky, transforming them for a different kind...

AIDS Changes Everything

ACDR’s 2007 M2M (Man 2 Man = Gay, Bisexual and MSM) HIV/AIDS Awareness campaign featured Bo Ladashevska, International Mr. Leather 2006 and his partner Guy Primeau in a series of five posters.  There are 27 photos in total from the photo shoot.  ACDR has shared...

HIV and Pregnancy

Poster. Exact publication year unknown. The PWN resources in Sage can be reproduced and adapted for non-commercial use with credit to the author. Please note that resources are being shared for archival reference and may contain information that is now...