Submission to the House of Common’s Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration in Relation to its Study of Federal Government Policies and Guidelines Regarding Medical Inadmissability of Immigrants

The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (“IRPA”) stipulates that foreign nationals are inadmissible to Canada on health grounds if their health condition might reasonably be expected to cause an “excessive demand” on health or...

Peer Navigation Tools

Resources related to hiring Peers, Peer code of ethics, training syllabus ideas and helping Peers determine their readiness to be a Peer.Code of ethics and Readiness to be a peer resources were modified from tools collected

Témoin d’une surdose? Appelez le 911 immédiatement

Alors que la crise de surdoses mortelles continue de battre son plein, au Canada, le Réseau juridique canadien VIH/sida en collaboration avec le Waterloo Region Crime Prevention Council a imprimé 50 000 cartes de format portefeuille offrant de l’information...