Sex, Drugs & Bingo

Sex, Drugs & Bingo is available to anyone looking to raise awareness about sexual health and syphilis in Manitoba among adults who are sexually active and/or inject drugs. This fully-developed harm reduction awareness tool contains 11 bingo cards, caller cards and...

Nutrition and Foods Programs Available to People Living with HIV or AIDS in Nova Scotia Need MORE from us NOW: FoodNOW End-of-Grant Needs Assessment Summary

This poster was presented by Dr. Shannan Grant on May 11th, 2023 as part of the Equitable and Ethical Implementation Science Research working group at the Knowledge Translation Canada Scientific Meeting (2023). The poster provides a summary of the background,...

“Love and Respect”

In Jamaica, homophobia and transphobia are fuelling the HIV epidemic. Several TV stations in Jamaica refused to air a "tolerance ad," produced by AIDS-Free World, calling on Jamaicans to love and respect their LGBTI family members. So Jamaican lawyer and...

Human Rights Are My Rights

In July 2014, International AIDS Conference delegates from all over the world had their say on the importance of human rights for people living with and affected by HIV. Watch this video to hear what they had to say.