Civil society letter to members of the World Trade Organization re: a further extension of the transition period for Least Developed Countries under article 66.1 of the TRIPS agreement

"As civil society organisations concerned with access to medicines, to educational resources, to environmentally sound technologies, and to other public goods and cultural creations and further concerned with farmers’ rights, food security, human...

Notification aux partenaires d’une infection au VIH : Analyse des données probantes et recommandations aux fins de l’amélioration du processus

L’examen qui suit analyse les données probantes relatives à la Np pour le VIH publiées dans des revues à comité de lecture, et plus particulièrement leur application au contexte canadien actuel. elle concerne surtout les objectifs, les méthodes et...

The criminalization of HIV non-disclosure: Recommendations for police Submissions to the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police Diversity Committee by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario, February 2013

These submissions are informed by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network’s and the HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario’s (HALCO) extensive experience in working on the issue of the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada. We include concrete...

PEP Can Stop You From Getting HIV

Launched in October 2013, posters, postcards and condom/lube packs were distributed to bars, clubs and bathhouses to alert gay and bi men – the community still most affected by HIV in Toronto – of the existence of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for...