Harm Reduction Program brochure

This pamphlet was designed to educate service providers and future service providers on the Harm Reduction Program at the AIDS Committee of Durham Region. This pamphlet discusses our approach to working with clients, the services we offer, the supplies we offer, and...

Get Tested!

The AIDS Committee of Durham Region and the DMAN (Durham Men's Active Network) Advisory Council created this HIV testing awareness campaign in July 2013 using an online survey. The results of that survey can be found here on SAGE under 'Evaluation...

AIDS Changes Everything

ACDR's 2007 M2M (Man 2 Man = Gay, Bisexual and MSM) HIV/AIDS Awareness campaign featured Bo Ladashevska, International Mr. Leather 2006 and his partner Guy Primeau in a series of five posters.  There are 27 photos in total from the photo shoot.  ACDR has...

Get Tested

The Get Tested campaign was developed with the assistance of the Youth Advisory Committee at the ACDR. Its messaging encourages youth to get tested for HIV with the use of popular culture graphics. It was distributed nationally through CATIE in 2013 to present.

Introduction aux nouvelles technologies de prévention de l’infection à VIH – Module de formation

Ce module a été conçu pour être utilisé par les animateurs-formateurs pour la formation des dispensateurs de première ligne sur les nouvelles techniques de prévention (NTP) des infections à VIH, et pour servir de ressource en ligne. Le module donne un aperçu général...

Préparer la santé publique pour les nouvelles techniques de prévention du VIH: Carte routière pour une action globale au Canada

Le present document porte sur les connaissances des milieu de la santé publique, leurs besoins d’information, leur rôle, les possibilités et les défis qui les attendent, et leur capacité d’introduire les NTP et d’en organiser l’offre au Canada....

Living with HIV

'Living with HIV' aims to bring awareness to the multiple challenges people living with HIV face.  Three posters make up this campaign – all contain the same messaging, only the imagery changes.  One image is a woman and the other two featuring...